How to change your job ...
to the career you'll love
At some point you might make one, two or more career changes in your life. But how often will it be a step in the right direction?
Now is the time to ensure career mistakes in the past have no place in the future
The problem is, the idea of taking time out to actually plan a career can be just too overwhelming. People very often just fall into the next role and let things just happen!
Reasons given for not taking creating a structured career path include ...
- I haven't got the time
- I don't know where to begin
- I'll stick it out here for a bit - things could improve
- I think the job market is too complex ... and so on
Sounds familiar? Then you're in Comfort Zone!
The result? - A job that is not the right fit
Consequence? - Boredom, frustration, discontent - even anger
The result? - A rush into yet another job - and the cycle begins again!
It really does not have to be this way.
If your job is stressful ... if your performance is suffering ..... if your morale is at rock bottom ....... if you're your motivation is weak ......... the Top Tips below will help you reach your goal ........... an interesting, rewarding, fulfilling, exciting career
Follow this 5 Step Solution to a career that fits you perfectly
Step 1 - Understand your likes and dislikes
- Examine and focus on the work activities you enjoy the most
- Research and list those jobs with work activities that match your likes
- Assess your skills, strengths and needs to ascertain the different types of job right for you
- Improve your offer - consider updating your skills to be competitive in a new career field. The Open University is just one of a many organisations offering 'learner-friendly' part-time training programmes
- Consider your values - money v. job satisfaction - and remain flexible. Changing career for monetary gain alone won't overcome your dissatisfaction with your present role
Learn more about our professional Career Advice - including expert skills assessments
Step 2 - Brush up on all aspects of job-hunting
- Explore the work environments most suited to your personality - where you would feel most comfortable
- Don't restrict yourself to similar jobs and careers - keep an open mind and look for different careers that require your particular skill-mix, qualifications and experience
- Read newspapers articles and subscribe to specialist trade magazines -The Grocer, Marketing Weekly, Nursing Care - and professional journals
- Start networking with family, friends, colleagues, social clubs and business contacts - a huge number of jobs don't even reach the advertising stage through these channels
- Search the web for the recruitment agencies that specialise in your field
- Be specific - target your key word carefully or else you'll find yourself in a minefield. Example: PR marketing job agencies, London
- Check out the 'job vacancies' section on the web sites of companies that interest you the most
- Find out as much as you can, assess their cultures, size, market position and level of stability
- Short-list those organisations that offer viable career options - consider sending your CV with an introductory cover letter
- If a recent graduate on the wrong career path, revisit the university sites - they are a rich source of information on careers and where to find and how to apply for training contracts
- Offer to work voluntarily, job shadow or take an interim position to gain a direct insight into the company - the atmosphere, people, culture - before making a commitment
Learn more about our Job Search resources
Step 3 - Market yourself strategically
- Reassess what you have to offer in terms of skills, experience and accomplishments
- Make a list of your strengths and most marketable, transferable skills
- Create a compelling CV / Resume - highlighting your skills / capabilities
- Ensure the document is explicit, yet succinct - focused objectively on work-related results
- If a student, include examples of products that demonstrate planning, teamwork, analytical thinking and problem solving
- Note any problems you have overcome, initiatives that have added value and contributed to the organisation's improved performance
- Write a brief cover letter that highlights and matches your skills to the job profile and captures and retains the recruiter's interest
Read more about A Perfect CV's professional CV writing service and cover letter service - including free CV Tips
Step 4 - Make a winning impression at interview
- Preparation is the key to success as this builds confidence and self assuredness
- Research the job role and identify the likely focus of the interview
- Practice your response to potentially difficult questions
- Get to the interview early and observe - this is an excellent opportunity for you to asses the organisation, the culture, atmosphere and how people interact - and consider whether this is the environment for you
If you would like help in making an excellent impression at interview, read more about Interview Advice - including sample questions
Step 5 - Persevere and Act Positive
- Don't expect instant results. Be realistic. Be patient. People who succeed are often those who persevere until they reach their goal
- Remain flexible - review new ideas and keep an open mind to different career options
- With just a little planning, it really is possible to get a job you'll love and wake up in the morning to with enthusiasm
If you need help in mapping out a new career, read more about our Career and Outplacement programmes
A Perfect Career specialises in career advice, writing professional CVs, cover letters, interview skills, redundancy support and much, much more ... |
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